;......................... MiniDig .........................;
; an Atari 2600 programming site based on Garon's "The Dig" ;
; which is now dead. The content here is made up mostly of .;
; selected posts from the [stella] mailing list.............;
; ..........................................................;
; If you're new to 2600 programming, you'll want to start ..;
; at the docs and links section.............................;

| disassemblies | tricks | demos | tools | docs | links |

site info
[stella] Mailing List This is the main Atari 2600 programming mailing list, which recently moved to a new home at atari2600.org.
Atariage Homebrew Services Get your game made into a real cartridge.
2600 Newbie Programming Forum Forum for people who are new to 2600 programming and don't have much assembly language experience.

site maintained by Paul Slocum -- Contact me with any corrections or potential additions.